
How to build a home studio – Episode 4 (Final double episode)

How to build a home studio – Final episode #4 is finally released! After the long, long wait, it is finally here – the final episode of How to build a home studio. And it was well worth the wait, because we have a double episode focusing on the intricate...

How to build a home studio Episode 2 – Double door and walls frame

Here it is – Episode 2 of “How to build a home studio”: The double door and walls frame! In Episode 2, we will build the next two foundations of the soundproof home studio that are built on top of the floating floor that we covered on episode 1: the double door...

How to build a home studio – Episode 1: The floating floor

After the long wait, it is here – the first part of “How to build a home studio”. It was one mega-project of epic proportions. But we made it, and we made it well! The motivation we had to make this video was because both my partner Shay Ofer and I...

First post

Hi everybody, I am starting this new blog because I figured that my life is just too fascinating for anyone to miss it! 😉 Seriously though, I feel like I have a lot to say and a lot to write about, and until now the main constraint was time. Actually time is still the...
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